NoBullART Free Art Gallery
Mark Obryan's Art Gallery   -   Paintings Collection   -   Show Horse Portrait
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"Show Horse Portrait" - by Mark Obryan
Category: Paintings Collection: Paintings
Style: Realism Medium: Acrylics
#99DDFF #143314 #3D6629 #FFFFFF #1F3314 #52A3CC #526629 #66CCFF

Acrylic painting on canvas. I refered to a photo as I painted the horse. Grass, background foliage and sky were improvised. Shadowing in light areas of the horse's head are lighter in the painting than they are in this image of the painting. This painting was commissioned. It not available for purchase. Contact me if you may want to commission a painting.
May 13 2013 - 10:27 PM EDT   By: Sam Mcilwain
Beautiful work,deserving of a beautiful animal
Feb 17 2017 - 5:07 PM EST   By: Scott Cutler
Excellent realism.
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