NoBullART Free Art Gallery
Ashleigh Fedo's Art Gallery   -   Atlanta Collection   -   I Used To Have A Heart
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"I Used To Have A Heart" - by Ashleigh Fedo
Category: Paintings Collection: Atlanta
Style: Surreal Medium: Acrylic On Wood
#2996CC #1F7099 #52A3CC #3D7A99 #FFFFFF #CCCCCC #5C8599 #A3BECC

Original acrylic painting on a wood panel.
relatively light weight. 14x30. wired on back.
sides are finished and top coated.

"...spread like jelly on bread, marking the doors of the first borns weaned from birth on meds..."

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Ashleigh Fedo is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
  I Used To Have A Heart 90.00 USD (15.00 USD S&H)
14X30 Inches. 1/2 Inch Deep. - Paintings - Acrylic Paints
Original acrylic painting on wood. finished sides. top coated.

Please contact the artist directly to inquire about buying artwork or to make an offer to purchase artwork.

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