NoBullART Free Art Gallery
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"Gods Love" - by Terrie Galvin
Category: Photography Collection: Landscape
Style: Nature Medium: Digital
#663D29 #99705C #663014 #664B3D #995C3D #99855C #33180A #CC967A

Solitary Tree near Laurel, NE. Designed for wall art.

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Terrie Galvin is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
  God's Love 165.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
16X16 Inches - Metal - Metal Print
Solitary Tree near Laurel, NE. Graphic elements added. Metal print with gatorboard block for hanging.
  God's Love 165.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
16X16 Inches - Image Block - Print On Image Block
Graphic Printed on 1" Image Block (wood). Wrapped Edges and ready to hang.
  God's Love 200.00 USD (25.00 USD S&H)
20X20 - Image Block - Print On Image Block
Graphic Printed on 1" Image Block (wood). Wrapped Edges and ready to hang.
  God's Love 105.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
12X12 Inches - Image Block - Print On Image Block
Graphic Printed on 1" Image Block (wood). Wrapped Edges and ready to hang.
  God's Love 90.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
12X12 Inches - Metal - Metal Print
Graphic printed on Metal with gatorboard block for hanging.
  God's Love 270.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
20X20 Inches - Metal - Metal Print
Graphic printed on Metal with gatorboard block for hanging.
  God's Love 200.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
20X20 Inches - Giclee Fine Art Watercolor Print - Giclee Watercolor
Landscape printed on fine art watercolor paper, with certificate of authenticity. LE.
  God's Love 150.00 USD (20.00 USD S&H)
16X16 Inches - Giclee Fine Art Watercolor Print - Giclee Watercolor
Landscape printed on fine art watercolor paper, with certificate of authenticity. LE.
  God's Love 130.00 USD (18.00 USD S&H)
14X14 Inches - Giclee Fine Art Watercolor Print - Giclee Watercolor
Landscape printed on fine art watercolor paper, with certificate of authenticity. LE.
  God's Love 115.00 USD (18.00 USD S&H)
12X12 Inches - Giclee Fine Art Watercolor Print - Giclee Watercolor
Landscape printed on fine art watercolor paper, with certificate of authenticity. LE.

Please contact the artist directly to inquire about buying artwork or to make an offer to purchase artwork.

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