NoBullART Free Art Gallery
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"Mustangs" - by Bob Bittinger
Category: Paintings Collection: Colorado Wildlife
Style: Realism Medium: Acrylic On Canvas
#CCCCCC #FFFFFF #5C5C99 #857A99 #A3B1CC #5C7099 #7A7A99 #705C99

Powerful white stallion protects his little band on Colorado's high plateau.

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Bob Bittinger is willing to sell this fantastic piece of art.
  Mustangs 750.00 USD (50.00 USD S&H)
16 X 20 - Wildlife - Acrylic On Canvas
Original Artwork
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Nov 9 2008 - 6:47 PM EST   By: Bob Bittinger
50% of the proceeds of the sale of this piece goes to benefit the Horse Protection League of Colorado. There are many in need during these tough times - don't forget our animals that need our support. Thank you for looking!
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