NoBullART Free Art Gallery
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"Completion-Complemento" - by Andres Dominguez
Category: Paintings Collection: Fifhessence-Quintaesencia
Style: Contemporary Arts Medium: Oil On Canvas
#661414 #330A0A #99471F #660000 #663014 #995C3D #CC5F29 #330A18

This work is part of a series called fifth essence, exposed in the gallery of the Mapocho Cultural Center station in Chile the year 2006. More details on

Esta obra es parte de una serie llamada quinta escencia, expuesta en la galería del Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho en Chile el ano 2006.
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May 20 2008 - 10:49 PM EDT   By: Michele Ritter

Your black/white is what initially caught my eye. When I saw your other!!!!! It is fantastic. Shelly Ritter
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