NoBullART Free Art Gallery
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"On The Pecos" - by Judith B Adams
Category: Paintings Collection: Southwest
Style: Realism Medium: Oil
#000000 #5C7099 #3D5C99 #664B14 #665229 #663D29 #33330A #7A7A99

18x24 oil-framed-price includes S&H
Dec 23 2008 - 11:20 PM EST   By: Patrick Trotter
Hello Judy, I bet you Hate being called Judy my sisters name is Judy, I'm so glad you like my painting , I realy like this painting of yours , "Drip painting" is just what I call my "painting technique" ,I don't know if I can explane how I do it, I can tell you I manipulate the paint until I get the effect i'm after.I know that doesn't tell you a thing,May You and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas and comming New Year.........patrick
Dec 24 2008 - 7:55 AM EST   By: Ariane Rockfield
Judith Adams,

I found all your artworks simply magnificent, and i liked this one particularily , thank you for your comment.
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